İstinye Üniversitesi Kurumsal Akademik Arşivi

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Güncel Gönderiler

Efficiency analysis in bi-level on fuzzy input and output
(Elsevier inc., 2025) Ghaziyani, Kh; Lotfi, F. Hosseinzadeh; Kordrostami, Sohrab; Amirteimoori, Alireza
To enhance the conventional framework of data envelope analysis (DEA), a novel hybrid bi-level model is proposed, integrating fuzzy logic with triangular fuzzy numbers to effectively address data uncertainty. This model innovatively departs from the traditional DEA's 'black box' approach by incorporating inter-organizational relationships and the internal dynamics of decision-making units (DMUs). Utilizing a modified Russell's method, it provides a nuanced efficiency analysis in scenarios of ambiguous data. The study aims to enhance the accuracy and applicability of Data Envelopment Analysis in uncertain data environments. To achieve this, a novel hybrid bi-level model integrating fuzzy logic is presented. Validated through a case study involving 15 branches of a private Iranian bank, the model demonstrates improved accuracy in efficiency assessments and paves the way for future research in operational systems uncertainty management. The results indicated that, among the 15 branches of a private Iranian bank analyzed for the year 2022, branches 1, 10, and 11 demonstrated leader-level efficiency, while branch 3 exhibited follower-level efficiency, and branch 1 achieved overall efficiency. These branches attained an efficiency rating of E++, signifying a high level of efficiency within the model's parameters.
Effects of Circuit Exercise Program on Cognitive Function, Functional Exercise Capacity, Mobility, Depression, and Quality of Life in Women with Gestational Diabetes
(Hacettepe Üniversitesi, 30 Nisan 2024) Tekin, Saadet Turhan; Budak, Miray; Altınok, Öykü
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of circuit exercise programs applied in addition to diet therapy on cognitive function, functional exercise capacity, mobility, depression, and QoL in women with GD. Materials and Methods: 43 women with GDM aged 18-35 years old were included and 43 were analyzed. A parallel, single-blind trial with participants allocated (1:1) to one of two groups the Exercise Group and the Diet Group. Personalized diet programs were received by all participants. In the Diet Group, only a diet program was performed. In the Exercise Group, a circuit exercise program was applied to 40-minute sessions, 3 days a week over 6 weeks in addition to the diet program. Participants were assessed at baseline, after 6 weeks for general cognitive function, attention, selective attention, functional exercise capacity, mobility, depression, and quality of life. Results: Significant differences were found in terms of MoCA, Stroop ve SF-36 Physical Functioning in both groups (p<0.05). In Time*Group evaluations, there was a significant difference in the WMS Backward Digit Span in favor of the Diet Group, and in TUG in favor of the Exercise Group (p<0.05). Conclusion: In conclusion, personalized diet programs may enhance cognitive functions, and circuit exercise programs in addition to the personalized diet program may enhance mobility and cognitive functions in women with GD.
3D-printed resin composite posterior fixed dental prosthesis: a prospective clinical trial up to 1 year
(Frontiers Media SA, 2024) Paniz, Hobbi; Ordueri, Tuğçe Merve; Öztürk Bozkurt , Funda; Toz Akalın, Tuğba; Ateş, Muzaffer; Özcan, Mutlu
Objectives: This clinical trial evaluated the clinical behavior of 3D-printed posterior resin composite fixed dental prostheses (FDPs). Materials and methods: Between 10 October 2020 and 5 August 2022, 49 patients aged 19–60 years (16 men, 33 women) received 68 3D-printed resin composite 3-unit posterior FDPs (ELS Even Stronger, Saremco, Switzerland). FDPs were followed up 2 weeks after placement (baseline), 6 months after placement, and 1 year after placement by two independent calibrated observers using modified FDI criteria for anatomical form, secondary caries, marginal adaptation, surface roughness, color match, fracture of material, staining surface, staining margin, approximate anatomical form, retention, gingival health, and patient's view. Survival analyses were performed using Kaplan–Meier analyses. Results: A total of 59 restorations were evaluated and the mean observation period was 8.63 months. Failure types were categorized as mechanical and biological. Failures were observed in 14 FDPs. Nine FDPs showed mechanical failure and five FDPs showed biological failure. Mechanical failures were mostly experienced as connector fractures. Eight FDPs showed cohesive fractures (seven in a single connector at either at the mesial or distal and one in the pontic itself). Biological failures, including root canal treatment and gingival tissue reactions, were observed within the first 6 months. Based on mechanical failures, the survival rate was 86.7% including the biological complications; this corresponded to 71.6% (Kaplan–Meier). After 1 year, two FDPs showed surface luster loss (score 4), two-color mismatches (score 4), and two-surface staining (score 4). Conclusion: 3D-printed resin composite FDPs were observed acceptable after 1 year of clinical follow-up, providing that the experienced failure types were mainly associated with fractures in the connector region, which requires revision of design parameters. Clinical Trial Registration: Clinical Trials.Gov, NCT04600297. 2024 Hobbi, Ordueri, Öztürk-Bozkurt, Toz-Akalın, Ateş and Özcan.
(Artificial) neural networks
(Elsevier, 2024) Tareq, Wadhah Zeyad Tareq
Buying a new or used car is one of the challenges faced by people in most parts of the world. A car's price can be affected by many factors such as economic and political crises. With the high demand for cars and the different crises across the world, predicting car prices has become impossible and incompetent. This study aims to find the overall amount that customers can offer to purchase a car. The suggested model uses artificial neural networks (ANN) to predict customer budgets based on different features. Moreover, this chapter provides a guideline for the authors and researchers to understand ANN's basic concepts and ideas to be used later in different areas. The suggested model was trained using 500 samples of customers from different countries, with different ages and different annual salaries. The proposed model obtains the highest accuracy of 95%. © 2024 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Dijital mühür ekslibris olur mu?
(HOLISTENCE PUBLICATIONS, 25.05.2023) Pektaş, Hasip
Bu çalışmada bir mülkiyet işareti olarak ekslibris ve mühürün ortak yanları irdelenmiş, işlevleri, teknik benzerlikleri, uygulanma biçimleri örnekleri ile açıklanmıştır. Mühür, bir mülkiyet göstergesi olması yanında bir yetki belgesi, bir koruma simgesi olarak da kullanılmıştır. Ekslibrislerin de bir tür koruma, hatırlatma, uyarma işlevi vardır. Kitap sahipleri ödünç verdikleri kitaplara yapıştırdıkları ekslibrislere, kitabı ödünç alan kişiye bir hatırlatma yapma, geri getirmesi konusunda bir uyarıda bulunma işlevini yüklemektedirler. Tam da bu nedenle bazı kitap sahiplerinin ekslibrisleri üzerine “Herkes ödünç alabilir, fakat centilmen olan geri getirir”, gibi uyarıcı cümleler eklettirdikleri görülmektedir. Bazı kitaplardaki mühürlerde de “Her kitap bir anahtardır.” gibi ifadelere rastlanmaktadır. Mühür ve ekslibrislerde tasarım, kompozisyon, tipografi, kaligrafi, kalıbın oyulması, kalıp içinde hakkâk ve ekslibris sanatçısının adını, simgesini kullanılmasında benzerlikler görülmektedir. Öteden beri mühür de ekslibris de sahibinin beğenisini kazanacak şekilde iyi tasarlanmışsa, özgünse kabul görmüştür. Mühür içinde kaligrafinin doğru istiflenmesi önemliyken, ekslibriste de yazı karakterinin doğru seçilmesine, okunur olmasına, boyutuna ve bulunduğu yere özen gösterilmektedir. Tek kopya olan el yazması kitaplar döneminde, dönemin devlet veya din adamlarına verilecek kitaba yapıştırılan ekslibris, sahibinin göstergesi olarak kullanılmış, ihtiyacı karşılamıştır. 1400’lü yıllarda Avrupa’da mülkiyet işareti olarak kullanılmaya başlanan ekslibris gibi benzer işleviyle Osmanlılar döneminde de mühürleri görüyoruz. Ekslibris sözcüğünü içermediği için mühürlere ekslibris denilemez ama mülkiyet işareti olarak görebiliriz. Elbette mühür şeklinde ekslibris tasarlanabilir. Ekonomik olması nedeniyle belki de geniş kitlenin ekslibrisi benimsemesine katkı da sağlayabilir. Ülkemize çok geç giren ekslibris kültürünün yaygınlaşması zaman alsa da bir gün arzu ettiğimiz ekslibris ve mühür koleksiyonculuğu da gerçekleşecektir.