Bal Öztürk, AyçaAlarçin, EmineÖzbaş, ZehraÖzkahraman, BengiTorkay, Gülşah2022-07-052022-07-052022Bal-Öztürk, A., Torkay, G., Alarçin, E., Özbaş, Z., & Özkahraman, B. (2022). The effect of thiol functional groups on bovine serum albumin/chitosan buccal mucoadhesive patches. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 74 doi:10.1016/j.jddst.2022.1034931773-2247 this research, the effect of thiol functional groups on bovine serum albumin (BSA)/chitosan (Chi) based buccal mucoadhesive patch was investigated. Thiolated BSA (BSA-SH) was prepared via 2-mercaptoethanol. FTIR and 1H NMR results confirmed that BSA-SH was synthesized successfully. The buccal mucoadhesive patches were fabricated by the solvent casting method. Following the structural characterization of BSA/Chi and BSA-SH/Chi buccal patches, the mechanical characterization was performed by tensile tests. The drug release from triam- cinolone acetonide (TR) loaded buccal patches was evaluated in-vitro in simulated salivary. According to the ex- vivo buccal adhesion experiments, the mechanical and mucoadhesion properties of BSA-SH/Chi buccal patch had improved compared to BSA/Chi buccal patch. The total cumulative TR permeated after 12 h was higher for BSA- SH/Chi than BSA/Chi buccal patches. The developed mucoadhesive buccal patches were found to be biocom- patible in vitro. To conclude, the thiolated BSA-SH/Chi buccal adhesive patch is a promising biomaterial for a satisfied drug delivery, which provides advantages for various oral applications.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessThiolated Bovine Serum AlbuminChitosanBuccal PatchEx-Vivo MucoadhesionTriamcinolone AcetonideThe effect of thiol functional groups on bovine serum albumin/chitosan buccal mucoadhesive patchesArticle74WOS:0008357161000022-s2.0-85132367698Q110.1016/j.jddst.2022.103493Q1