Polat, SinemSönmez, Feruze TuranKılıçaslan, Önder2022-12-022022-12-022022Polat, S., Kılıçaslan, Ö., & Sönmez, F. T. (2020). Alpha-lipoic acid intoxication in an adolescent girl: Case report and review of the literature. Turkish Archives of Pediatrics/Türk Pediatri Arşivi, 55(3), 328.1306-00151308-6278https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12713/3411Alpha-lipoic acid is a widely used medication that does not need a prescription. Although it is safely used in adults, hitherto no safe dose for children has been reported, and there is no known antidote. The medical literature provides four reports of alpha-lipoic acid intoxication in the pediatric population to date. This case-report is the lowest known dose of alpha-lipoic acid intake leading to poisoning in a teenager.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAdolesanAlfa Lipoik AsitKoagülopatiZehirlenmeKonvülziyonAlpha-lipoic acid intoxication in an adolescent girl:case report and review of the literatureArticle553328330406487