Kesimli, Mustafa CanerYağcı, İbrahimYılmaz, ErenBayram, AyelÜnal, Murat2022-06-102022-06-102021Kesimli, M. C. , Yagci, İ. , Yılmaz, E. , Bayram, A. & Ünal, M. (2021). Pediatric Nodular Fasciitis in the Head and Neck Region . The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat , 31 (4) , 105-107 . DOI: 10.26650/Tr-ENT.2021.10268152602-4837 fasciit is a rare benign tumor and may occur anywhere in the body. Pediatric patients constitute approximately 10% of the entire patient group. The disease may show clinical and pathological features resembling malignancy. Therefore, it can be mistaken as sarcoma. This report shows two cases of pediatric nodular fasciitis localized in the parotid region and maxillary sinus.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessNodular FasciitisSpindle Cell TumorMaxillofacial RegionHead and NeckPediatric nodular fasciitis in the head and neck regionArticle31410510710.26650/Tr-ENT.2021.1026815529094