Unsal-Canay, FerdaSanal, TurgayKoksel, Hamit2024-05-192024-05-1920231438-23771438-2385https://doi.org10.1007/s00217-023-04253-6https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12713/5048In this study, samples of eight durum wheat cultivars (Cesit-1252, Eminbey, Guney Yildizi, Kiziltan, Maestrale, Mirzabey, Svevo and Zenith) commonly grown in Turkey were used. The main purposes of the study were to investigate the effect of bran addition (0, 7.5, 15.0 and 22.5%) on the technological and nutritional properties of spaghetti, and the phytic acid (PA) content. The possibility of reducing the phytic acid content of bran-supplemented pasta with enzyme addition and incubation was also investigated. Bran supplementation had some detrimental effects on sensory, technological and colour properties, especially at 22.5% bran supplementation level. On the other hand, significant increases in total dietary fibre and protein content values were observed. Compared to the control pasta samples, addition of bran at the ratios of 7.5, 15.0 and 22.5% caused 72.2, 108.9, 150.7% increases in average PA content, respectively. The mean PA content of spaghetti samples of all cultivars was lower (around 24%) than the mean PA content of semolina samples of all cultivars. The changes in the PA content were also investigated in one cultivar by adding different amounts of enzyme in the pasta supplemented with 22.5% bran. The maximum reduction in PA content (56.1%) was observed in the pasta sample supplemented with 1.5% phytase enzyme and incubated for 2 h at 45 degrees C.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessDurum WheatBran-Supplemented PastaPhytic AcidDietary FibreTechnological and nutritional characteristics of bran-supplemented spaghetti and reduction of phytic acid contentArticle249717851795WOS:0009743180000012-s2.0-85153089364N/A10.1007/s00217-023-04253-6Q2