Fırtına, SinemErol Cipe, FundaNg, Yuk YinKiykim, AyçaNg, Özden HatırnazSudutan, TuğceAydoğmuş, ÇiğdemBarış, SafaÖztürk, GülyüzAydıner, ElifÖzen, AhmetSayitoğlu, Müge2020-08-302020-08-302019Firtina, S., Cipe, F., Ng, Y. Y., Kiykim, A., Ng, O. H., Sudutan, T., … Sayitoglu, M. (2019). A Novel FOXN1 Variant Is Identified in Two Siblings with Nude Severe Combined Immunodeficiency. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY, 39(2), 144–147., Safa/0000-0002-4730-9422; kiykim, ayca/0000-0001-5821-3963; FIRTINA, Sinem/0000-0002-3370-8545; Ozen, Ahmet/0000-0002-9065-1901; NG, YUK YIN/0000-0001-9755-6045Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) is the most severe form of primary immunodeficiencies (PIDs) caused by gene variants that lead to a failure of functional T cell development, with or without accompanying defects in the production of B and/or NK cellseninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessA novel foxn1 variant is identified in two siblings with nude severe combined immunodeficiencyLetter39214414730903456WOS:0004632165000062-s2.0-85063998040Q110.1007/s10875-019-00615-6Q1