Abbasi, AkbarMirekhtiary, FatemehAlrowaily, Albandari W.Zakaly, Hesham M. H.2024-05-192024-05-1920230236-57311588-2780https://doi.org10.1007/s10967-023-09147-1 purpose of this research was to determine the isotope concentration of the actinide radioelements U-238, Th-232 series, and Pu-239 in biological samples (urine) using the alpha spectroscopy system. The samples were selected from the residence of high natural background radiation (HNBR) area and analyzed using chemical procedure. The separated sample was placed on a membrane filter by the sedimentation method, and it was prepared for counting with the alpha spectrometry system. The average radioactive concentrations found in these samples were as follows: U-234 > Ra-226 > Th-230 > Ra-228 > Th-228 > Ra-224 > Th-232 > Pu-239. The average concentrations of U-234 and Ra-226 were much greater than the other radionuclides.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessActinideAlpha SpectroscopyBiological SamplesHigh Natural Background Radiation (Hnbr) AreaU-238, Th-232 series, and Pu-239+Pu-240 concentration analysis in biological samples of high natural background radiation residents by alpha spectrometryArticle3321043434353WOS:0011272145000012-s2.0-85172085647N/A10.1007/s10967-023-09147-1Q2