Chormey, Dotse SelaliZaman, Buse TugbaKustanto, Tulay BorahanBodur, Sezin ErarpatBodur, SuleymanEr, Elif OzturkBakirdere, Sezgin2024-05-192024-05-1920240039-91401873-3573https://doi.org10.1016/j.talanta.2023.125340 harmful effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) to humans and other organisms in the environment have been well established over the years, and more studies are ongoing to classify other chemicals that have the potential to alter or disrupt the regular function of the endocrine system. In addition to toxicological studies, analytical detection systems are progressively being improved to facilitate accurate determination of EDCs in biological, environmental and food samples. Recent microextraction methods have focused on the use of green chemicals that are safe for analytical applications, and present very low or no toxicity upon disposal. Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) have emerged as one of the viable alternatives to the conventional hazardous solvents, and their unique properties make them very useful in different applications. Notably, the use of renewable sources to prepare DESs leads to highly biodegradable products that mitigate negative ecological impacts. This review presents an overview of both organic and inorganic EDCs and their ramifications on human health. It also presents the fundamental principles of liquid phase and solid phase microextraction methods, and gives a comprehensive account of the use of DESs for the determination of EDCs in various samples.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessDeep Eutectic SolventEndocrine Disruptor CompoundsHydrogen Bond AcceptorHydrogen Bond DonorMicroextractionPreconcentrationDeep eutectic solvents for the determination of endocrine disrupting chemicalsArticle26837948953WOS:0011114992000012-s2.0-85176235648N/A10.1016/j.talanta.2023.125340Q1