Oygar, Pembe DerinBüyükcam, AyşeBal, Zümrüt ŞahbudakDalgıç, NazanBozdemir, Şefika ElmasSütçü, MuratGül, DorukHatipoglu, Halil2021-03-182021-03-182020Oygar, P. D., Büyükçam, A., Bal, Z. Ş., Dalgıç, N., Bozdemir, Ş. E., Karbuz, A., ... & Akkoç, G. (2020). Education of Healthcare Personnel Working with Pediatric Patients During COVID-19 Pandemic within the Framework of Infection Control. Journal of Pediatric Infection/Cocuk Enfeksiyon Dergisi, 14(4).1307-1068https://doi.org/10.5578/ced.202061https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12713/1605Objective: In the early stages of any epidemic caused by new emerging pathogens healthcare personnel is subject to a great risk. Pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2, proved to be no exception. Many healthcare workers died in the early stages of pandemic due to inadequate precautions and insufficient protection. It is essential to protect and maintain the safety of healthcare personnel for the confinement of pandemic as well as continuity of qualified healthcare services which is already under strain. Educating healthcare personnel on appropiate use of personal protective equipment (PPE) is as essential as procuring them. Material and Methods: A survey is conducted on 4927 healthcare personnel working solely with pediatric patients from 32 different centers. Education given on PPE usage were questioned and analyzed depending on age, sex, occupation and region. Results: Among four thousand nine hundred twelve healthcare personnel from 32 different centers 91% (n= 4457) received education on PPE usage. Of those who received education only 36% was given both theoretical and applied education. Although there was no differences among different occupation groups, receiving education depended on regions. Conclusion: It is essential to educate healthcare personnel appropiately nationwidely for the continuity of qualified healthcare services during the pandemic.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCovid-19EducationHealthcare PersonnelPersonal ProtectionEducation of healthcare personnel working with pediatric patients during covid-19 pandemic within the framework of infection controlCovid-19 pandemisinde enfeksiyon kontrol çalışmaları çerçevesinde çocuk hastalarla çalışan sağlık personeli eğitimiArticle144e175e1802-s2.0-8510143263210.5578/ced.202061Q4416734