Ghaemi, Mohammad BagherMottaghi, FatemehSaadati, RezaAllahviranloo, Tofigh2024-05-202024-05-2020232238-36031807-0302https://doi.org10.1007/s40314-023-02357-z this paper, we study the fractional-order system in the sense of?-Hilfer fractional stochastic evolution equations driven by fractional Brownian motion. Applying the fixed point tech-nique, we prove that there exists a mild solution for the problem and introduce a new type of stability. Finally, we present two examples to demonstrate how the obtained results might be applied.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessHilfer Fractional DerivativeStochastic Evolution EquationsFractional Brownian MotionControllabilityWhittaker FunctionEconomic Growth ModelRamsey Modela-Whittaker controllability of ?-Hilfer fractional stochastic evolution equations driven by fractional Brownian motionArticle425WOS:0010075269000012-s2.0-85161932494N/A10.1007/s40314-023-02357-zQ2