Cesur, EsraÖzer, ÇağlaÇeken, Hüseyin2022-01-182022-01-182021CESUR E,ÖZER Ç,ÇEKEN H (2021). ALTERNATİF TURİZM KAPSAMINDA AROMATİK TURİZM VE GELİŞİMİ. Abant Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 21(3), 1055 - 10781303-00352757-9425https://doi.org/10.11616/asbi.953932https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12713/2398In this study, aromatic tourism, which has started to become apparent with the increase of interest in authentic lives and natural products by using aromatic plants and has no conceptual explanation in the literature, is examined. In this study, it is tried to determine the scope of aromatic tourism and to create a conceptual framework based on aromatic plants and their use in tourism activities. As a result of the conceptual studies, it has been determined that aromatic tourism can be an alternative tourism type and can be evaluated within this scope. In aromatic tourism, the protection of the natural structures of the regions with the highest sensitivity as possible serves to the sustainable use of existing resources, which is the fundamental purpose of alternative tourism. In addition, it aims to diversify touristic products in alternative tourism, eliminating seasonality and making tourism demand more balanced. Again, in achieving this goal, aromatic tourism supports both touristic ptrinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAlternatif TurizmKırsal TurizmAgro TurizmBotanik TurizmAromatik TurizmAlternatif turizm kapsamında aromatik turizm ve gelişimiAromatic tourism and development in the scope of alternative tourismArticle2131055107810.11616/asbi.953932474060