Narin, NazmiYildiz, KaanOzyurt, AbdullahOzdemir, RahmiKaradeniz, CemPamukcu, OzgeBaykan, Ali2022-12-082022-12-082022Narin, N, Yildiz,Ozyurt, A ,Ozdemir,Karadeniz,Pamukcu,Baykan, A. Ventricular septal defects closed with lifetech konar device; our short and medium term results of multicenter study.Pedıatrıc Cardıology.2022,43,1959-19600172-06431432-1971 Septal Defects Closed With Lifetech Konar Device; Our Short and Medium Term Results Of Multicenter Studyeninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessKonarMFOVSD closureTranscatheter InterventionCongenital heart diseaseVentricular septal defects closed with lifetech konar device; our short and medium term results of multicenter studyOther438WOS:000871235500072Q3