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Öğe ENVÂRÜ’L-ÂŞIKÎN’İN SÜLEYMANİYE KÜTÜPHANESİ PERTEV PAŞA NÜSHASINDA ALINTI SÖZCÜK VE YAPILARDAKİ İMLA AYRILIKLARI ÜZERİNE BİR DEĞERLENDİRME(2021) Dilben, TalhaBu makalede, imla ayrılıkları barındıran Arap harfli Türkçe metinlerdeki imla ayrılıklarının oluşma nedenlerine Envârü’l-Âşıkîn’in Süleymaniye Kütüphanesi Pertev Paşa nüshası örneğinde cevap aranmış, XVI. yüzyılın ilk çeyreğinde, 918/1512 yılında istinsah edilmiş nüshada bulunan bazı farklı imlalar, ikili yazılışlar üzerinden çıkarımlar yapılmıştır. Ait oldukları dillerde özgün birer imlaya sahip olan birçok alıntı sözcüğün nüshada ayrı yazılışları ele alınmış, bu yazılışların Türkçenin ses sistemiyle ve müstensihin gündelik diliyle ilgisi noktasında görüşler öne sürülmüştür. Bu sayede, Türkoloji çalışmalarının büyük bir bölümünü oluşturan ve hâlâ devam eden transkripsiyonlu metin çalışmalarına ve bu çalışmaların imla ile ilgili bölümlerine katkı sağlamak amaçlanmıştır.Öğe Envârü’l-Aşıkîn’in Süleymaniye kütüphanesi Pertev Paşa nüshasında alıntı sözcük ve yapılardaki imla ayrılıkları üzerine bir değerlendirme(TR- Dizin, 2021) Dilben, TalhaIn this article, the reasons for the formation of orthographic differences in Turkish manuscripts written in Arabic letters are sought in the example of the Suleymaniye Library Pertev Pasha copy of Envârü'lÂşıkîn. Inferences were made on some different spellings and orthographic differences found in the copy written in the first quarter of the 16th century, year 918/1512. The orthographic differences of many borrowed words, each of them has a unique orthography in the languages they belong to, have been handled in the copy, and opinions have been asserted regarding the relations of these spellings to the Turkish phonetic system and the daily language of the scribe. In this way, it is aimed to contribute to the -ongoing- manuscript transcription studies that constitute a large part of Turcology studies, and to the parts of these studies related to orthography.Öğe Şeytan hikâyesi’nin mensur bir nüshası ve müstensihin konuşma diline ait kullanımların bazı sözlüklerdeki karşılığı(TR- Dizin, 2021) Dilben, TalhaSatan's Fable, which exists in verse and prose variants, was translated from Arabic into Turkish and has come down to us in many manuscript copies. It is apparently popular in the Muslim Turkish communities and has similarly gained ground in the literature of other languages as well. Although the work is attributed to Muhyiddîn İbnü’l-Arabî, this information must have arisen due to a misunderstanding of an expression in the prose variant of the work. A prose copy of Satan's Fable in our private library, though incomplete, is found valuable in terms of reflecting the dialectal characteristics of the scribal. In this article, the transcribed text of the relevant copy of Satan's Fable was given, and an attempt was made to reveal the scribal’s use of colloquial language by not interfering with his use, except for the clearly incorrect uses of the language in the copy. Moreover, the above-mentioned uses were checked in Derleme Sozlugu as well as in some other Turkish dictionaries written by nonTurkish authors. It was examined whether these uses are included in the corresponding dictionaries or whether they have been preserved in Turkey Turkish dialects, and if so, in which dialects. It was observed that there were significant uses in both Turkish words and borrowed words in the copy, and some of these uses are still preserved in the Turkey Turkish dialects.