VI: Rhinoceros of oceania: Psychological operations, propaganda, social engineering and perception management in G. Orwell's 1984 and E. Ionesco's Rhinoceros

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Peter Lang AG

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Our emotions and perception of reality can be controlled and manipulated. The thin line between normal and abnormal can be obliterated by means of propaganda, social engineering, perception management and psychological operations and during "abnormal" times such as social upheavals, revolutions and wars. They are the most crucial tools that move individuals and masses to unquestioning submission. The ends they promise are enough to justify all means to be employed. This paper attempts to shed light to employment of past and present social engineering and propaganda methods with references to George Orwell's 1984 and Eugene Ionesco's Rhinoceros that highlighted the irresistible power of perception management and mass psychology. Orwell's 1984 points out how successful social engineering can be at shaping people's reasoning power and manipulating their fears by means of a never- ending war in which allies and foes are gradually interchanged. Ionesco's Rhinoceros is about how the people of a small town become rhinoceros. It exemplifies a symbolic transformation of how "normal" is transformed into "abnormal" thus it reveals what "imposed confusion" can lead to.


Anahtar Kelimeler

Eugene Lonesco, George Orwell, 1984, Perception Management, Psychological Operations, Rhinoceros, Social Engineering


Synergy I: Marginalisation, Discrimination, Isolation and Existence in Literature

WoS Q Değeri

Scopus Q Değeri





Parlak, Z. (2021). VI: Rhinoceros of oceania: Psychological operations, propaganda, social engineering and perception management in G. Orwell's 1984 and E. Ionesco's Rhinoceros,Synergy I: Marginalisation, Discrimination, Isolation and Existence in Literature 117 - 139.