Beyin sapı ve spinal kord düzeyinde destrüktif ağrı cerrahisi
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Dirençli ağrı ve kanser ağrısı tedavisi hala tıptaki önemli sorunlardan biridir. Özellikle hastalığın son dönemlerinde kanser ağrısı hastaların %90’ın da görülmekte ve yaşam kalitesini bozmaktadır. Narkotik analjeziklerin kullanımının artması ile nöroşirürjikal girişimler azalmakla beraber dirençli ağrısı bulunan hastalarda spinal kord ve beyine yönelik lezyon yapıcı girişimler önemini korumaktadır. Bu girişimlerde amaç ağrı iletim yollarında lezyon oluşturarak ağrının iletiminin engellenmesidir. Tedaviye dirençli ağrının ve kanser ağrısının tedavisinde kordotomi, trigeminal traktotomi, dorsal kök giriş bölgesi ameliyatları ekstralemniscal miyelotomi, rizotomi en sık uygulanan nöroşirürjikal girişimlerdir. Yazıda güncel bilgiler ışığında beyin sapı ve spinal kord düzeyinde destrüktif ağrı cerrahisindeki son gelişmeleri gözden geçirdik
Treatment of resistant pain and cancer pain is still one of the major problems in medicine. Cancer pain is seen in 90% of the patients, especially in the terminal stage of the disease, and worsens the quality of life. Although the use of neurosurgical procedures has decreased with the advance of narcotic analgesics, lesion-forming interventions for the spinal cord and brain in patients with resistant pain remain important. The aim of these interventions is to prevent the transmission of pain by forming a lesion in the pain commissural pathways. Cordotomy, trigeminal tractotomy, dorsal root entry zone surgery, extralemniscal myelotomy and rhizotomy are the most commonly used neurosurgical interventions for intractable pain and cancer pain. In this paper, we reviewed recent developments in destructive pain surgery at the level of the brain stem and spinal cord in the light of the current literature.
Treatment of resistant pain and cancer pain is still one of the major problems in medicine. Cancer pain is seen in 90% of the patients, especially in the terminal stage of the disease, and worsens the quality of life. Although the use of neurosurgical procedures has decreased with the advance of narcotic analgesics, lesion-forming interventions for the spinal cord and brain in patients with resistant pain remain important. The aim of these interventions is to prevent the transmission of pain by forming a lesion in the pain commissural pathways. Cordotomy, trigeminal tractotomy, dorsal root entry zone surgery, extralemniscal myelotomy and rhizotomy are the most commonly used neurosurgical interventions for intractable pain and cancer pain. In this paper, we reviewed recent developments in destructive pain surgery at the level of the brain stem and spinal cord in the light of the current literature.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Dirençli Ağrı, Kanser Ağrısı, Nöroşirürjikal Girişimler, Nöroablatif Yöntemler, Intractable Pain, Cancer Pain, Neurosurgical Procedures, Neuroablative Procedures
Türk Nöroşirürji Dergsi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
BEKAR A,TAŞKAPILIOĞLU M. Ö,TÜRKKAN A (2019). Beyin Sapı ve Spinal Kord Düzeyinde Destrüktif Ağrı Cerrahisi. Türk Nöroşirürji Dergsi, 29(2), 180 - 186.