Yıllık ücreti izin uygulamasında özellikli durumlar ve “iznin satılmazlığı”
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Çalışanların yeterince dinlenmeleri, işyerinde meydana gelebilecek muhtemel kazalara karşı dikkatli olmalarını sağlamaktadır. Aynı zamanda dinlenme, işyerinde yaşanan stres düzeyini düşürürken, iş motivasyonunu da güçlendirmektedir. Anayasada mutlak ölçüde korunan dinlenme hakkına bağlı olarak çalışma hayatında yer edinen yıllık ücretli izin, daha sağlıklı bir çalışma hayatı için vazgeçilemezdir. Anayasanın mutlak emredici dinlenme hakkının bir sonucu olarak, 4857 sayılı İş Kanunu’nun 53’üncü ve takip eden maddelerinde de ücretli yıllık izin hakkı ve şartları düzenlenmiştir. Belirlenen esaslar çerçevesinde bir işçinin yıllık ücretli izin hakkını kullanmayarak, çalışmasını devam ettirmesi ve bu süreye ait ücretini talep etmesi yasal anlamda uygun değildir. Bu kural, yıllık ücretli iznin satılmazlığını ifade etmektedir. İşçilere verilecek yıllık ücretli izin süresi işçinin yaşına ve hizmet süresine bağlı olarak değişmekte olup, hizmet süresi; a) 1 yıldan 5 yıla kadar (5 yıl dahil) olanlara 14 günden, b) 5 yıldan fazla 15 yıldan az olanlara 20 günden, c) 15 yıl (dahil) ve daha fazla olanlara 26 günden az olamaz. Ayrıca on sekiz ve daha küçük yaştaki işçilerle elli ve daha yukarı yaştaki işçilere verilecek yıllık ücretli izin süresi yirmi günden az olamaz. Yer altı işlerinde çalışanlar için bu süreler dörder gün arttırılarak uygulanmaktadır. Yıllık izin günlerinin hesabında izin süresine rastlayan ulusal bayram, hafta tatili ve genel tatil günleri izin süresinden sayılmayacaktır. Yıllık izin, işyerinde yürütülen işlerin nitelik ve özelliklerine göre, yıllık ücretli izinlerin, her yılın belli bir döneminde veya dönemlerinde kullandırılır. İşçi hak ettiği yıllık ücretli iznini, kullanmak istediği zamandan en az bir ay önce işverene yazılı olarak bildirir. Yıllık iznin hak kazanılan tarihten itibaren bir yıl içinde kullanılması gerekmektedir. Ancak uygulamada zaman zaman işçilerin yıllık izinlerinin yıl içinde kullanılmadığı veya bir kısmının kullanılabildiği görülmektedir. Dolayısıyla kullanılmayan yıllık izinlerin biriktirilmesine ve işverenden iş sözleşmesi devam ederken izin ücretinin istenmesine sıklıkla karşılaşılmaktadır. İş sözleşmesinin, herhangi bir nedenle sona ermesi halinde işçinin hak kazanıp da kullanmadığı yıllık izin sürelerine ait ücreti, sözleşmenin sona erdiği tarihteki ücreti üzerinden kendisine veya hak sahiplerine ödenir. Bu ücrete ilişkin zamanaşımı iş sözleşmesinin sona erdiği tarihten itibaren başlar. Bu çalışmada, 4857 Sayılı İş Kanunu’nda düzenlenen ve vazgeçilemez bir hak olan yıllık ücretli izin uygulamasına ve yıllık ücretli iznin özellik arz eden durumlarına yer verilmiştir
Giving a rest period to the employees ensure that they are will be careful while they work about possible work accidents that may occur in the workplace. At the same time, rest period lowers the level of stress experienced in the workplace and enhance work motivation. The right to annual paid leave, which is a rule existig in the labour legislation in-line with “the right to rest” as a right protected in the Constitution on absolute terms, is indispensable for a healthier working life. As a consequence of the right to rest, as an absolute right defined in the Constitution, the conditions and implementation of the annual paid leave right is being arranged in the Article 53 and the following articles of the Labour Code No. 4857. It is not legally possible for a worker to remain working constantly in the annual paid leave period as well and to claim the wage for this period without actually using the annual paid leave right. This rule is being named as the indispensability of the annual paid leave. The annual paid leave to be given to employees varies depending on the age of the worker and the duration of the service. Accordingly, the annual paid leave cannot be less than, A) 14 days for the employees working from one year to five years (including five years), B) 20 days for the employees working for six years up to fifteen years (excluding fifteen years), C) 26 days for the employees working for fifteen years (including fifteen years) and more. Additionally, the period of annual paid leave for workers of age eighteen and younger and those of fifty and older cannot be less than twenty days. For underground miners, these periods are increased by four days. The national holiday, the weekly holiday and the public holidays, which coincide with the period of leave, will not be counted from the annual paid leave. The annual paid levae is granted at a certain period or periods of each year, in accordance with the nature and characteristics of the work being carried out at the workplace. The employer is to be notified in written form at least one month before if the employee wants to use his/her annual paid leave right. The annual leave must be used within one year from the date on which it is granted. In practice, however, it is observed that from time to time workers’ annual paid leave may not be used during the year, or a part of it may be used. Therefore, in practice, the unused annual leave is often accumulated and the employer is asked to give a permit while the employment contract is in progress. The wage of the annual leave periods for which the worker is entitled or not use shall be paid to the employee or his/her beneficiaries at the rate specified by the employment contract, in the case of termination of the contract. The time out period for the payment of the wage of this period starts with the date of termination of the employment contract. In this paper, the right to annual paid leave as an indispensable right and specific cases in the application of the right to annual paid leave are being explained.
Giving a rest period to the employees ensure that they are will be careful while they work about possible work accidents that may occur in the workplace. At the same time, rest period lowers the level of stress experienced in the workplace and enhance work motivation. The right to annual paid leave, which is a rule existig in the labour legislation in-line with “the right to rest” as a right protected in the Constitution on absolute terms, is indispensable for a healthier working life. As a consequence of the right to rest, as an absolute right defined in the Constitution, the conditions and implementation of the annual paid leave right is being arranged in the Article 53 and the following articles of the Labour Code No. 4857. It is not legally possible for a worker to remain working constantly in the annual paid leave period as well and to claim the wage for this period without actually using the annual paid leave right. This rule is being named as the indispensability of the annual paid leave. The annual paid leave to be given to employees varies depending on the age of the worker and the duration of the service. Accordingly, the annual paid leave cannot be less than, A) 14 days for the employees working from one year to five years (including five years), B) 20 days for the employees working for six years up to fifteen years (excluding fifteen years), C) 26 days for the employees working for fifteen years (including fifteen years) and more. Additionally, the period of annual paid leave for workers of age eighteen and younger and those of fifty and older cannot be less than twenty days. For underground miners, these periods are increased by four days. The national holiday, the weekly holiday and the public holidays, which coincide with the period of leave, will not be counted from the annual paid leave. The annual paid levae is granted at a certain period or periods of each year, in accordance with the nature and characteristics of the work being carried out at the workplace. The employer is to be notified in written form at least one month before if the employee wants to use his/her annual paid leave right. The annual leave must be used within one year from the date on which it is granted. In practice, however, it is observed that from time to time workers’ annual paid leave may not be used during the year, or a part of it may be used. Therefore, in practice, the unused annual leave is often accumulated and the employer is asked to give a permit while the employment contract is in progress. The wage of the annual leave periods for which the worker is entitled or not use shall be paid to the employee or his/her beneficiaries at the rate specified by the employment contract, in the case of termination of the contract. The time out period for the payment of the wage of this period starts with the date of termination of the employment contract. In this paper, the right to annual paid leave as an indispensable right and specific cases in the application of the right to annual paid leave are being explained.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İş Kanunu, Dinlenme Hakkı, Yıllık Ücretli İzin, Labour Code, The Right To Rest, Annual Paid Leave
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