Yenilikçi tanzimat aydınlarının İslam’ın köklerine yönelişi
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19. yy., Osmanlı Devleti’nin başta siyaset, toplum ve kültür olmak üzere hemen bütün alanlarda büyük bir değişim yaşadığı bir dönemdir. Bu büyük dönüşüm sürecinin yönü muhakkak ki Batı medeniyetidir. Tanzimat aydınları kaleme aldıkları makale, roman, piyes ve şiirlerde Batı’dan ithal edilen yeni fikirleri gündeme getirmişlerdir. İlginç olarak, Batılılaşma rüzgârının her şeyi önüne kattığı böyle bir dönemde, Tanzimat aydınlarının eserlerinde, daha önce üzerinde çok durulmayan İslamî referansların ve İslam tarihinin çokça kullanıldığı göze çarpmaktadır. Başta Yeni Osmanlılar olmak üzere dönemin aydınları Batı aydınlanmasında önemli rol oynayan fikirleri İslamî kaynaklar içinde aramaya başlamışlardır. Biraz da Tunuslu Hayrettin Paşa’nın Akvâmü’l-Mesâlik adlı kitabının etkisiyle onlar meşrutiyet, akıl, irade, çalışma, hürriyet, millet, ittihad, gayret, ilim, terakki, hak, hukuk gibi Batı menşeli temaları İslam’ın köklerine, selef-i salihin dönemindeki örneklere dayandırmaya çalışmışlardır. Ayrıca bu düşüncelerini kaleme aldıkları kurgusal eserlerde çeşitli karakterler üzerinden de dile getirmişlerdir. Yeni Osmanlılara göre İslam; öğrenmeyi, ilerlemeyi, kalkınmayı teşvik etmektedir. Ayrıca İslam dini bugünkü anlamda bir meşrutiyet sistemine uygundur. İslam’ın başlangıcındaki biat kültürü bu sistemin varlığını göstermektedir. Dört halifenin idareci olarak meşruiyeti, kendilerine biat edilmek suretiyle mümkün olmuştur. Hatta Namık Kemal Hz. Peygamber’in kurduğu devletin bir cumhuriyet olduğunu bile iddia eder. Hürriyet Allah’ın hediyesidir; öyle ise bu hakkı ondan kimse alamaz. Hür olan insanın düşünce hürriyeti de vardır. Namık Kemal’in atan fikrine bakışı üzerinde ise muhakkak ki ayrıca durmak gerekir. Çünkü bu tema dönemin diğer yazarlarının eserlerinde pek görülmediği halde onun hem makalelerinde hem şiirlerinde hem de piyes, roman gibi kurgusal eserlerinde büyük yer tutmaktadır. Kemal, vatan sevgisini imanın bir gereği olarak gösterir. Ayrıca Batılı anlamdaki vatan fikrini İslam’ın köklerindeki değerlerle birleştirir. Kabe, Ravza, Mescid-i Aksa ve Kerbela gibi mekanlarla ona bir kutsiyet atfeder. Başta Hz. Peygamber olmak üzere, sahabelerin ve İslam’ı savunmak için savaşırken ölen şehitlerin bedenlerinin bu vatanda yattığını ve topraklarının şehit kanlarıyla sulandığını söyleyerek vatana ulvî değerler yükler. Kemal bu gibi vesilelerle vatan hamiyeti ile İslam gayretini birleştirir. Bu makalede Namık Kemal, Ziya Paşa, Ali Suavi başta olmak üzere dönemin aydınlarının kaleme aldıkları eserlerde yukarıda sayılan temaları İslam’ın kaynaklarına dayandırarak nasıl işledikleri örnek metinler ve şiirler üzerinden anlatılacaktır.
The 19th century is a time when the Ottoman Empire underwent a great change in almost all areas, especially in politics, society and culture. The direction of this great transformation process is certainly Western civilization. The Tanzimat intellectuals have brought new ideas imported from the West into their articles, novels, plays and poems. Interestingly, at such a time when the wind of Westernization adds to everything, in the works of the Tanzimat intellectuals, the Islamic references and the history of Islamic history, which have not been emphasized much before, are being used. The intellectuals of the period, especially the New Ottomans, began to search for ideas that played an important role in Western enlightenment in Islamic sources. They have tried to base Western origin ideas such as constitutionalism, reason, will, work, liberty, nation, unity, science, law and right on the roots of Islam, early eaxamples of Islamic history. They also expressed these thoughts on various characters in the fictional works they received. According to the New Ottomans, the religion of Islam encourages to learn, to progress, to development. Moreover, the religion of Islam is suitable for a system of constitutionality in today's sense. The “biat” culture at the beginning of Islam also shows the existence of this system. The legitimacy of the four caliphs as administrators became possible by allegiance to them. Even Namik Kemal claimed that the state established by the Prophet have been a republic. Freedom is God's gift. Nobody gets this right from human. The free person also has freedom of thought. It is especially necessary to stand on the way Namık Kemal looks at the idea of the homeland. This theme holds great importance both in his articles and poems, and in his fictional works such as plays and novels. Kemal showed the love of the motherland as a means of faith. It also combines the idea of homeland in the Western sense with the values in the roots of Islam. He gave a sacredness to his homeland with the sacred places like Kabe, Ravza, Masjid al-Aqsa and Kerbela. He filled many vital values to the concept of the homeland saying in this country laying the bodies of the Prophet, his friends and the martyrs who died during struggling to defend the Islam and saying that this lands were watered with the martyr's blood. Kemal combined the idea of patriotism with Islamic endeavor like this. In this article, how the Tanzimat period’s intellectuals especially Namik Kemal, Ziya Pasha, Ali Suavi have mentioned the themes above and work on the basis of the sources of Islam through sample texts and poems will explain.
The 19th century is a time when the Ottoman Empire underwent a great change in almost all areas, especially in politics, society and culture. The direction of this great transformation process is certainly Western civilization. The Tanzimat intellectuals have brought new ideas imported from the West into their articles, novels, plays and poems. Interestingly, at such a time when the wind of Westernization adds to everything, in the works of the Tanzimat intellectuals, the Islamic references and the history of Islamic history, which have not been emphasized much before, are being used. The intellectuals of the period, especially the New Ottomans, began to search for ideas that played an important role in Western enlightenment in Islamic sources. They have tried to base Western origin ideas such as constitutionalism, reason, will, work, liberty, nation, unity, science, law and right on the roots of Islam, early eaxamples of Islamic history. They also expressed these thoughts on various characters in the fictional works they received. According to the New Ottomans, the religion of Islam encourages to learn, to progress, to development. Moreover, the religion of Islam is suitable for a system of constitutionality in today's sense. The “biat” culture at the beginning of Islam also shows the existence of this system. The legitimacy of the four caliphs as administrators became possible by allegiance to them. Even Namik Kemal claimed that the state established by the Prophet have been a republic. Freedom is God's gift. Nobody gets this right from human. The free person also has freedom of thought. It is especially necessary to stand on the way Namık Kemal looks at the idea of the homeland. This theme holds great importance both in his articles and poems, and in his fictional works such as plays and novels. Kemal showed the love of the motherland as a means of faith. It also combines the idea of homeland in the Western sense with the values in the roots of Islam. He gave a sacredness to his homeland with the sacred places like Kabe, Ravza, Masjid al-Aqsa and Kerbela. He filled many vital values to the concept of the homeland saying in this country laying the bodies of the Prophet, his friends and the martyrs who died during struggling to defend the Islam and saying that this lands were watered with the martyr's blood. Kemal combined the idea of patriotism with Islamic endeavor like this. In this article, how the Tanzimat period’s intellectuals especially Namik Kemal, Ziya Pasha, Ali Suavi have mentioned the themes above and work on the basis of the sources of Islam through sample texts and poems will explain.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tanzimat Aydınları, Yeni Osmanlılar, İslam Tarihi, Namık Kemal, Tanzimat Intellectuals, New Ottomans, Islamic History
Turkish Studies (Elektronik)
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