Sebîlürreşâd Muharriri S.M. (Seyyid Muhammed) Tevfik Külliyatına Methal
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Osmanlı matbuat tarihi ve İslamcı dergiler literatürünün en önemli yayınlarından biri olan Sebîlürreşâd dergisi, aynı zamanda dönemin düşünce hayatına yön veren üretken muharrirleriyle de öne çıkan uzun soluklu bir dergidir. Kadrosunda, yaşamı ve entelektüel üretimleri ortada olan ünlü muharrirler olduğu kadar, yaşamı ve yazdıklarına dair herhangi bir çalışma yapılmamış muharrirler de bulunan Sebîlürreşâd’ın, yaşam hikâyesi ve yazını araştırılmamış olan muharrirleri arasında S.M. Tevfik de bulunmaktadır. Literatürde genellikle Sebîlürreşâd dergisinde Hindistan Mektupları adıyla yayınladığı makaleleriyle bilinen S.M. Tevfik, aslında hem II. Meşrutiyet Dönemi Türkçe matbuatı hem de eş zamanlı olarak İstanbul merkezli yayın yapan Farsça matbuatı açısından önemli olan aksiyoner bir gazetecidir. Osmanlı matbuatındaki görünürlüğünün ortadan kaybolduğu dönemin üzerinden geçen bir asırdan sonra yapılan yeni araştırmalarda, aslında muharrirlik kariyerinin sadece Sebîlürreşâd ya da ilgili literatürde oldukça sık atıf yapılan Hindistan Mektupları’ndan ibaret olmadığı anlaşılan S.M. Tevfik’in şimdiye kadar karanlıkta kalmış yaşamı kadar bu yaşamı adarcasına ortaya koyduğu zengin külliyat da oldukça önemlidir. Bu makale, çeşitli yazılarında S.M.T. [.?. ?. ?] ve S.M. Tevfik [?. ?. ?????] imzaları kullanan, tam adıyla Seyyid Muhammed Tevfik Hemedanî’nin II. Meşrutiyet Döneminin çeşitli süreli yayınlarındaki yüzlerce makalesi ve muhtevaları bakımından oldukça ilginç olan özgün kitaplarından oluşan külliyatına dair müstakil bir bibliyografya oluşturmak üzere kaleme alınmıştır.
Sebîlürreşâd, one of the most important publications of the Ottoman printing history and Islamist literary magazines, is also a long-standing journal that stands out with its productive writers who shaped the intellectual life of the period. The staff of Sebîlürreşâd consisted not only of reporters whose life and intellectual productions have been studied but also those whose life and literary works have remained unrevealed. S.M. Tawfiq is among the latter. In the literature, S.M. Tawfiq, who is known for his articles published mainly in the Sebîlürreşâd journal under the heading Letters from India was actually an active journalist who is important in terms of the II. Constitutional era Turkish press as well as the Farsi press which published simultaneously in Istanbul. In new studies carried out over a century after the period in which the visibility of the Ottoman press disappeared, light has been shed on S.M. Tawfiq's life which has remained in the dark until now to reveal that his career was not limited to Sebîlürreşâd or Letters from India which have been frequently cited in the related literature but includes an important rich collection that he has devoted his life to. This article has been prepared to establish an independent bibliography for the various articles of the reporter whose full name was Sayyid Muhammad Tawfiq Hemedanî and who used the signatures of S.M.T. [.?. ?. ?] and S.M. Tawfiq [?. ?. ?????] to sign his hundreds of articles which were published in various periodicals of the II. Constitutional era and his original books, the contents of which are very interesting.
Sebîlürreşâd, one of the most important publications of the Ottoman printing history and Islamist literary magazines, is also a long-standing journal that stands out with its productive writers who shaped the intellectual life of the period. The staff of Sebîlürreşâd consisted not only of reporters whose life and intellectual productions have been studied but also those whose life and literary works have remained unrevealed. S.M. Tawfiq is among the latter. In the literature, S.M. Tawfiq, who is known for his articles published mainly in the Sebîlürreşâd journal under the heading Letters from India was actually an active journalist who is important in terms of the II. Constitutional era Turkish press as well as the Farsi press which published simultaneously in Istanbul. In new studies carried out over a century after the period in which the visibility of the Ottoman press disappeared, light has been shed on S.M. Tawfiq's life which has remained in the dark until now to reveal that his career was not limited to Sebîlürreşâd or Letters from India which have been frequently cited in the related literature but includes an important rich collection that he has devoted his life to. This article has been prepared to establish an independent bibliography for the various articles of the reporter whose full name was Sayyid Muhammad Tawfiq Hemedanî and who used the signatures of S.M.T. [.?. ?. ?] and S.M. Tawfiq [?. ?. ?????] to sign his hundreds of articles which were published in various periodicals of the II. Constitutional era and his original books, the contents of which are very interesting.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Seyyid Muhammed Tevfik, Hindistan Mektupları, Sebîlürreşâd, Şehbâl, Cerîde-i Sûfiyye
Vakanüvis - Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Saltik, E . (2021). Sebîlürreşâd Muharriri S.M. (Seyyid Muhammed) Tevfik Külliyatına Methal . Vakanüvis - Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi , 6 (1) , 312-348 . DOI: 10.24186/vakanuvis.880403