İş Yargısında “Arabuluculuk”
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Uyuşmazlıkların eskiye göre daha karmaşık ve uzmanlık isteyen hale gelmesi ve insanların ilişkilerini koruma ve devam et-tirme istekleri gibi nedenlerle uyuşmazlık tarafları, ihtiyaçları olan çözüme erişebilmek için yargısal süreçler dışında alternatif yöntem-ler aramışlardır. Bu arayış alternatif uyuşmazlık yöntemlerini do-ğurmuştur. Arabuluculuk, en hızlı yayılan ve tercih edilen alternatif uyuşmazlık yöntemi olmuştur. Arabuluculuk, işçi ve işveren arasında yaşanan anlaşmazlıkların kısa bir zaman zarfında ve düşük maliyet-lerle çözümlenmesini sağlayacak adil ve dostane bir yöntemdir. 5521 sayılı İş Mahkemeleri Kanunu kabul edildiği 1950 yılından günümüze kadar çalışma hayatında yaşanan köklü dönüşümler kar-şısında iş uyuşmazlıklarının çözüm yöntemlerinin yetersiz kaldığı gerekçesiyle, mahkemelerin iş yükünü azaltacak alternatif uzlaşma yöntemlerini benimseyen yeni bir kanun (7036 sayılı İş Mahkemeleri Kanunu) getirilmiştir. 7036 sayılı Kanun’un genel gerekçesinde, alternatif uzlaşma yöntemlerine olan gereksinim, iş mahkemelerinde artan iş yükünün ve işin yapılma şeklinde yaşanan değişim, nüfus artışı, teknolojide yaşanan olağanüstü gelişim, sosyal güvenlik hukuku alanın genişle-mesi ve işçi-işveren uyuşmazlıklarının çeşitlenmesi nedenlerine bağ-lanmıştır. 01.01.2018 itibariyle yürürlüğe girmiş olan “Dava Şartı Olarak Arabuluculuk” sistemini de içeren 7036 sayılı İş Mahkemeleri Kanu-nu bu anlamda çalışma hayatının önemli bir ihtiyacını karşılamış ola-caktır. Dava şartı olarak arabuluculukta, uyuşmazlık taraflarının bir araya getirilerek alanında uzman arabulucuların objektif bir şekilde taraflarla görüşme sağlayarak kendi çözüm yöntemlerini geliştirme-leri sağlanmakta ve iletişim kurmalarına aracı olunmaktadır. Arabuluculuk, Türk hukuk sistemi içerisinde tarafların ihtiyari başvurduğu bir çözüm yöntemiyken, 7036 sayılı Kanun’la yapılan dü-zenlemeyle işçi-işveren uyuşmazlıklarında dava şartı olarak ilk defa yer almıştır. Bireysel veya toplu iş sözleşmesine dayanan işçi veya işveren alacağı ve tazminatı ile işe iade talebiyle açılan davalarda, arabulucu-ya başvurulmuş olması dava şartı olarak kabul edilecek ve mahkeme öncelikli olarak arabulucuya başvurmuş olma koşulunu arayacaktır. 7036 sayılı İş Mahkemeleri Kanunu ile getirilen yeni düzenle-meye göre dava açılmadan önce arabulucuya gitmek zorunlu, ancak tarafların arabulucuda uzlaşmaları zorunlu değildir. Taraflar arasında anlaşma sağlanamazsa anlaşmazlık konusunun iş mahkemelerine götürülmesine herhangi bir engel bulunmamaktadır. Ancak ilgili kanunla yapılan düzenlemede bazı belirsizliklerin olduğu görülmektedir. Belirsiz konuların başında, arabuluculuk tuta-nağında yer alan boşta geçen süreye ait ücretle ilgili Sosyal Güvenlik Kurumu’na yapılacak bildirimlerin usul ve esaslarının belirlenmemiş olması gelmektedir. Bu çalışmada, söz konusu belirsizliklere neden olan hususlara yer verilerek, konuya ilişkin değerlendirmelerimiz ak-tarılmaya çalışılmıştır.
As the conflicts are becoming more complex and de-manding expertise than the previous practices and as people are re-quiring to maintain their relations, the parties to disputes have star-ted to sought alternative methods outside of the judicial procedures in order to access the solution they need. This search has led to the emergence of alternative dispute resolution methods. Mediation has become the fastest-spreading and most-preferred alternative dispute resolution method. Mediation is a fair and amicable way to ensure the resolution of disputes between the employees and emp-loyers within a short period of time and at low costs. A new act (Act No. 7036 Regarding Labour Courts) has been introduced, which adopts alternative methods of resolution to redu-ce the workload of the courts, with the reason that the conventional methods of resolving labour disputes are inadequate in the face of radical transformations occurring in the labour life since 1950, when the Act No. 5521 on Labour Courts was adopted. On the general reason of The Act No. 7036, the need for alter-native methods of reconciliation has been attributed to the increa-sing workload in the labour courts, the radical changes in the ways of doing business, the population growth, the extraordinary deve-lopments in technology, the expansion of social security law, and the diversification of employee-employer disputes. The Act No. 7036 Regarding Labour Courts No. 7036, which includes “the practice of mediation as a condition of trial”, which has come into effect as of 1st of January, 2018, is expected to meet the important needs of working life in this sense. In the practice of mediation as a condition of trial, the parties to the dispute are brought together, and experts in the field are ensuring an objective negotiation between the parties to develop their own solution met-hods through communication. While previously, the practice of mediation was a discretionary solution for the disputing parties in the Turkish legal system, for the first time the regulation is being regulated as a condition of trial for all labour disputes between employee and employers. In the labour disputes arising from an individual or collecti-ve labour agreement (employment contract) and based on the employee’s or the employer’s claim or a compensation demand or a demand for return to work, the application for mediation first will be applied as a precondition for filing a claim at a labour court. According to the new regulation introduced by the Act No. 7036 on Labour Courts, applying to mediation is compulsory before file the suit however to reach a common ground is not compulsory. If there is no agreement between the parties at the end of the medi-ation procedures, there is no obstacle for the dispute to be brought to relevant labour court. However there seems to be some uncertainty in the regulation made with the applicable law. One of the most important uncerta-in topics is the procedures and principles of the notifications to be made to the Social Security Institution regarding the wages for the idle time passed during the mediation sessions are not being deter-mined. In this study, it has been tried to convey our evaluations abo-ut the issue by mentioning the subjects that cause the uncertainties.
As the conflicts are becoming more complex and de-manding expertise than the previous practices and as people are re-quiring to maintain their relations, the parties to disputes have star-ted to sought alternative methods outside of the judicial procedures in order to access the solution they need. This search has led to the emergence of alternative dispute resolution methods. Mediation has become the fastest-spreading and most-preferred alternative dispute resolution method. Mediation is a fair and amicable way to ensure the resolution of disputes between the employees and emp-loyers within a short period of time and at low costs. A new act (Act No. 7036 Regarding Labour Courts) has been introduced, which adopts alternative methods of resolution to redu-ce the workload of the courts, with the reason that the conventional methods of resolving labour disputes are inadequate in the face of radical transformations occurring in the labour life since 1950, when the Act No. 5521 on Labour Courts was adopted. On the general reason of The Act No. 7036, the need for alter-native methods of reconciliation has been attributed to the increa-sing workload in the labour courts, the radical changes in the ways of doing business, the population growth, the extraordinary deve-lopments in technology, the expansion of social security law, and the diversification of employee-employer disputes. The Act No. 7036 Regarding Labour Courts No. 7036, which includes “the practice of mediation as a condition of trial”, which has come into effect as of 1st of January, 2018, is expected to meet the important needs of working life in this sense. In the practice of mediation as a condition of trial, the parties to the dispute are brought together, and experts in the field are ensuring an objective negotiation between the parties to develop their own solution met-hods through communication. While previously, the practice of mediation was a discretionary solution for the disputing parties in the Turkish legal system, for the first time the regulation is being regulated as a condition of trial for all labour disputes between employee and employers. In the labour disputes arising from an individual or collecti-ve labour agreement (employment contract) and based on the employee’s or the employer’s claim or a compensation demand or a demand for return to work, the application for mediation first will be applied as a precondition for filing a claim at a labour court. According to the new regulation introduced by the Act No. 7036 on Labour Courts, applying to mediation is compulsory before file the suit however to reach a common ground is not compulsory. If there is no agreement between the parties at the end of the medi-ation procedures, there is no obstacle for the dispute to be brought to relevant labour court. However there seems to be some uncertainty in the regulation made with the applicable law. One of the most important uncerta-in topics is the procedures and principles of the notifications to be made to the Social Security Institution regarding the wages for the idle time passed during the mediation sessions are not being deter-mined. In this study, it has been tried to convey our evaluations abo-ut the issue by mentioning the subjects that cause the uncertainties.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türkiye Barolar Birliği Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
KURT R (2018). İŞ YARGISINDA “ARABULUCULUK”. Türkiye Barolar Birliği Dergisi, 2018(135), 405 - 444.