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Öğe Clinicopathological evaluation of 15 Ectopic adrenal tissues(Academy of Medical Sciences of I.R. Iran, 2021) Şensu, Sibel; Keser, Sevinç Hallaç; Gürbüz, Yeşim Saliha; Barışık, Nagehan Özdemir; Gül, Aylin EgeBackground: Ectopic adrenal tissue is a rare condition associated with embryological development defects seen in many different areas in the abdomen and pelvis. Here, we aimed to discuss the clinicopathological features of ectopic adrenal tissues diagnosed in our clinic, in light of the literature. Methods: We included cases of ectopic adrenal tissues incidentally detected in the specimens from patients undergoing operation for various diagnoses during 2012- March 2020. The cases were examined according to gender, age, location and accompanying pathological diagnoses. During this period, 15 cases of ectopic adrenal tissues (6 paratubal, 3 paraovarian, 2 paratesticular, 1 spermatic cord, 1 paraaortic, 1 liver capsule, 1 omentum) were detected accompanied by two endometrial carcinomas, two serous cystadenomas, one seminoma, one mixed germ cell tumor, one bilateral ovarian serous carcinoma and hepatic high-grade colon adenocarcinoma metastasis. Results: In this report, the fifth ectopic adrenal tissue accompanying a malignant testicular tumor, the fifth and sixth ectopic adrenal tissues occurring with ovarian serous cystadenoma, the first case observed with serous cystadenocarcinoma and the first case detected with hepatic adenocarcinoma metastasis are presented. Our cases are mostly women and adult men. Conclusion: Ectopic adrenal tissues can lead to hormonal problems and also to adrenal cortex and medulla neoplasms. Microscopically, they may be confused with clear cell gynecological and germ cell tumors. If the ectopic focus is misdiagnosed as an implant, a benign entity may be incorrectly reported as malignant. Also, it is important to prevent mis-staging in malignancies. For precise diagnosis, an immunopanel such as inhibin, melan A, and calretinin can be performed.Öğe Correlation of REG1A, Claudin 7 and Ki67 expressions with tumor recurrence and prognostic factors in superficial urothelial urinary bladder carcinomas(NLM (Medline), 2022) Yamuç, Elif; Şensu, Sibel; Tarhan, Fatih; Barışık, Nagehan Özdemir; Barışık, Cem CahitAım: Superficial urothelial urinary bladder tumors are neoplasms that frequently recur and have a potential for invasion and metastasis. REG gene family is composed of various acute phase reactants, lectins, antiapoptotic factors, and growth factors that are effective on pancreatic island cells, neural cells, and epithelial cells. REG1A and REG1B are two forms of the human REG1 gene. It is reported that they are expressed in several cancers and are correlated with the prognosis of the patient. Claudins are integral transmembrane proteins that interconnect cells. However, their role in human tumorigenesis is extremely controversial. The aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship of REG1A, claudin 7 protein expressions, and Ki67 proliferation index in superficial urothelial urinary bladder tumors with well-known parameters of prognosis and tumor recurrence, and also to clarify whether these parameters are independent prognostic factors or not. Materials and Methods: A hundred and eleven patients diagnosed with superficial urothelial carcinoma between 2011 and 2016 years in our hospital and followed up in our urology clinic were included in this study. The slides prepared from paraffin blocks were immunohistochemically stained with REG1A, claudin 7, and Ki67 antibodies. Results: REG1A showed positive staining in 37 (33%) and negative staining in 74 (67%) of urothelial tumors. Claudin 7 was positive in 24 (22%) and negative in 87 (78%) cases. REG1A expression showed a positive correlation with tumor stage and tumor recurrence; a high Ki67 proliferation index was positively correlated with tumor stage and grade. The loss of claudin 7 expression was related to tumor recurrence. Besides, tumors with REG1A expression and claudin 7 loss had a shorter survival independent of recurrence. Conclusıon: In urothelial tumors, REG1A expression and loss of claudin 7 might be significant markers of prognosis that predict tumor recurrence.Öğe Does the pathology education received in the undergraduate preclinical years provide benefits in the clinical education period? a survey on 5th Grade medical students(galenos, 2022) Şensu, Sibel; Kutlu, Sevcan; Gürbüz, Yeşim Saliha; Koçak, Hikmet; Taşdelen Fışgın, Nuriye; Erdoğan, NusretAmaç: Bu anket çalışmasında tıp fakültesi 5. sınıf öğrencilerinin preklinik dönemde aldıkları patoloji eğitiminin yeterliliği ve klinik staj eğitimlerine faydası ile ilgili algılarının ölçülmesi ve değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Açık uçlu ve çoktan seçmeli sorulardan oluşan 14 soruluk bir dijital anket oluşturularak, 2018-2019 eğitim yılında tıp fakültemizde 3. sınıfı okumuş ve 2020-2021 eğitim yılında 5. sınıfta okumakta olan öğrencilere e-mail ve WhatsApp aracılığı ile gönderilmiştir. Sonuçlar incelenmiş ve istatistiksel olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: Öğrencilerin %56’sı 3. sınıfta aldıkları patoloji eğitimini yeterli bulmuştur. Mikroskopi ve makroskopi eğitiminin, patoloji laboratuvarı ziyaretinin, olgu örneği eşliğinde tartışmanın ve eğitmenin gösterdiği kaynakları kendi kendine çalışmalarının öğrencilerin patolojiyi öğrenmelerine anlamlı katkısı saptanmıştır (p<0,05). Öğrenciler 3. sınıfta alınan tıp eğitiminin klinik staj döneminde anlamlı yararı olduğunu düşünmektedir (p=0,02). En yüksek yararı makroskopi eğitiminden görmüş olup makroskopi ve olgu bazlı öğrenme çalışmaları yapılmasını önermektedirler. Öğrencilerin %73’ü aldıkları eğitimin hastalık mekanizmasını anlamakta yarar sağladığını düşünmektedir. Sonuç: Fakültemizde alınan tıbbi patoloji eğitiminin klinik staj dönemine temel oluşturduğu ve kliniği öğrenmekte faydalı olduğu görülmüştür. Öğrenciler, olgu bazlı öğrenme ve makroskopi eğitimini en etkili yöntemler olarak görmekte ve ağırlık verilmesini önermektedirler. Didaktik derslerin daha yararlı olması için farklı ve güncel öğrenme yöntemleri ile kombine edilmesi ve müfredatın güncellenmesi uygun olacaktır. Ülkemizde tıp fakültelerinde patoloji eğitiminin standardizasyonu da üzerinde çalışılması gereken bir konudur.Öğe Ender izlenen bir akut apandisit nedeni olarak sesil serrated lezyon: bir olgu sunumu ve derleme(DergiPark, 2020) Barut, Saime Gül; Şensu, Sibel; Kutlu, Sevcan; Gürbüz, Yeşim SalihaAkut apandisit nedeniyle yapılan apendektomilerin %0,2-0,3’ünde epitelyal neoplaziler görülebilir ve bunların az bir kısmı ise serrated görünümde olabilir. Serrated polipler arasında yer alan sesil serrated lezyon ve geleneksel serrated adenom, prekanseröz özellikleri nedeni ile önemlidir. Akut batın tablosu ile başvuran ve apendektomi yapılan 57 yaşındaki kadın hastada abseleşme ve perforasyon gösteren akut apandisite ek olarak apekse yakın yerleşimli bir kitle saptanmış ve histopatolojik inceleme sonucunda sesil serrated lezyon tanısı konmuştur. Apendiks kökenli sesil serrated lezyonların makroskopik saptanması zor olmakta ve atlanabilmektedirler. Oysa, bu tümörler prekanseröz potansiyelleri, malignite ve displazi ile birlikte olabilmeleri, agresif seyredebilmeleri ve polipozis sendromlarına eşlik edebilmeleri nedeni ile kesinlikle atlanmamalıdır. Akut apandisit tanısıyla yapılan apendektomiden sonra iyi örnekleme ve gerekirse tüm parçanın takibe alınması yanı sıra, tanı halinde, ayrıntılı ve periyodik endoskopik inceleme şarttır.Öğe Fine needle aspiration of metastatıc metastatic malignant in parotid gland: Case report(Egyptian Society of Ear Nose Throat and Allied Sciences, 2020) Şensu, Sibel; Kımıloğlu, Elife; Gündoğar, Özgecan; Paltura, Ceki; Erdoğan, NusretBackground: Malignant melanoma is the second most frequent tumor that metastasize to salivary glands. Fine needle aspiration (FNA) is a simple, rapid and widely accepted method for diagnosis of salivary gland lesions. In this case report, forty-four years old male patient who admitted to hospital due to a painless mass in the parotid gland, is presented. A FNA was performed and following cytological, histological and immunohistochemical examination of the material, the final diagnosis was malignant melanoma. Deatiled patient history revealed a malignant melanoma of head and neck region which was diagnosed two years ago. Although rare, metastasis of malignant melanoma to salivary glands has been reported in literature. Therefore, patients with primary tumor history should be carefully evaluated for metastasis. Besides, a malignant melanoma can be found in parotid gland in patients with an unknown primary locus. A regressed tumor should also be kept in mind. © 2020 Global Research Online. All rights reserved.Öğe Histomorphological features of atypical small acinar proliferations (ASAP) that favor malignancy(2020) Sade, Ayşe Gökçen; Sarıkaya, Şükran; Özdemir Barışık, Nagehan; Barışık, Cem Cahit; Şensu, SibelObjective: Cases diagnosed as atypical small acinar proliferation (ASAP) in prostate transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) biopsies typically require rebiopsies, which are invasiveand associated with increased risk of complications. Therefore, reduction in the rates of ASAP diagnoses during initial biopsy interpretation will decrease the need forrebiopsy and limit the burden of new diagnostic procedures. The current study aimed to investigate patient demographics, serum PSA levels, and histopathological features of cases identified as “ASAP” during initial prostate biopsies and as “benign” or “malignant” in the rebiopsies. Methods: This retrospective study included 187 cases and 257 core biopsies with a diagnosis of ASAP. Initial age and serum PSA levels were recorded, and the cores were analyzed histopathologically. The presence of nuclear enlargement, prominence of nucleoli, cytoplasmic amphophilia, luminal acellular secretions, cristalloids, infiltrative growth pattern, atrophy, inflammation, and number of the suspicious acini were recorded. Adenocarcinomas were identified using the Gleason score. Results: The mean age and serum PSA levels were significantly higher in the intermediate- high grade malignant group compared to the other groups, while nuclear enlargement (>2 times) and prominent nucleoli were more frequently observed in the malignant group compared to the benign group. Amphophilic cytoplasm and luminal acellular amorphous eosinophilic secretions were more frequently observed in malignant groups, while the benign group exhibited higher rates of inflammation. Conclusion: The findings of the current study showed enlargement of the nuclei (?2 times), nucleolar prominence, amphophilic cytoplasm, luminal amorphous acellular secretion, and absence of inflammation were associated with malignancy. Moreover, higher mean age and serum PSA level were related with intermediate-high grade malignancy, and consideration of these factors during evaluation of initial TRUS biopsies may decrease the prevalence of ASAP diagnoses and prevent unnecessary interventions.Öğe How Similar are Molecular Characteristics of Mammary Paget’s Disease to Underlying Ductal Carcinoma? Discussion of 42 Cases from a Tertiary Care Hospital(2022) Gül, Aylin; Özdemir Barışık, Nagehan; Gürbüz, Yeşim Saliha; Erdoğan, Nusret; Şensu, Sibel; Keser, SevinçObjective: It is aimed to evaluate the expression of estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), CerbB2 status, and molecular subtypes in mammary Paget disease and con- comitant ductal carcinoma and to discuss their concordance and their relation with other prognostic parameters. Methods: This retrospective study evaluated the clinical and morphological data of the mammary Paget disease and underlying ductal carcinoma; immunohistochemical estrogen/ PR and CerbB2 status; molecular subgroups and survival; and statistically compared all pa- rameters. Results: The study included 42 cases of mammary Paget’s disease (PD) and concomitant ductal carcinoma. In breast specimens, 15 cases (36%) had in situ, 4 (9.5%) invasive, and 23 (54%) in situ + invasive ductal carcinoma. Axillary nodal involvement was seen in 13 cases (31%) and all had invasive components. Respectively, ER and PR expressions were detected in 16 (38%) and 8 (19%) of the ductal carcinomas and in 10 (23.8%) and 6 (14.2%) of the cases with PD. CerbB2 expression was 93% (39 cases) in ductal carcinoma and 100% in PD with a 93% concordance. The most frequent molecular subtype was HER2-enriched subtype for both mammary ductal carcinoma (62%, 26 cases) and PD (76%, 32 cases) and the con- cordance was 82% (p=0.03). The survival was 46.00±32.64 months in the exitus group (n=8), all of which had invasive ductal components (p=0.03). Conclusion: ER and PR positivity were lower while CerbB2 was higher in Paget disease compared to concomitant ductal carcinoma. The most prominent molecular subtype was HER2-enriched subtype in both neoplasias. While hormonal and CerbB2 status of the tu- mors did not show any correlation with prognostic factors, existence of an invasive ductal component was the factor that correlated with survival.Öğe Microsatellite instability in ovarian invasive and borderline epithelial tumors and comparison with prognostic parameters(Galenos, 2020) Türkel, Filiz İlhan; Gül, Aylin Ege; Şensu, Sibel; Keser, Sevinç Hallaç; Barışık, Nagehan ÖzdemirAim: Ovarian cancers, 20% of which are hereditary, are considered the most lethal gynecological malignancies. Defects on DNA mismatch repair (MMR) genes are responsible for hereditary ovarian tumors related with Lynch syndrome. In this study, we aimed to determine microsatellite instability status in invasive and borderline epithelial ovarian tumors diagnosed via immunohistochemistry in our clinic and compare the results with several prognostic parameters and survival. Methods: In this retrospective study, 159 epithelial ovarian tumors were evaluated for age, tumor type, histological grade and Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) stage as well as survival. MMR protein expression was immunohistochemically examined and absence of nuclear staining in tumor cells was considered MMR protein expression loss. All prognostic parameters were compared and analysed statistically. Results: MMR protein expression loss showed no statistically significant relationship with FIGO stage, age, histological grade, and survival. The only correlation was detected between tumor type and MMR protein loss (p<0.001). Conclusion: Although there are studies comparing microsatellite instability status of the tumors with several prognostic parameters, there is still no consensus on the issue. In this study on ovarian tumors, MMR protein expression loss was related with histological subtypes, but not with other prognostic parameters or survival. We believe that it is worth further investigating in larger studies with higher number of cases.Öğe Mitotic activity in gastrointestinal stromal tumors: Can we use phosphohistone h3 immunohistochemistry instead of hematoxylin and eosin for mitotic count?(KARE PUBL, 2022) Erhan, Selma Şengiz; Şensu, Sibel; Keser, Sevinç Hallaç; Kangal, Elis; Gül, Aylin Ege; Gundogan, Gokcen Alinak; Sakin, AbdullahObjectives: In gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST), malignancy potential is determined by the prognostic disease risk stratification based on mitosis, tumor size, and location. Phosphohistone H3 (PHH3) is an immunohistochemical marker showing mitotic activity in cells. In this study, we aimed to evaluate mitosis in GIST with PHH3, compare the results with hematoxylin and eosin (HE) stained slides, and examine its relationship with other prognostic data. Methods: Clinicopathological findings and survival were determined in GIST cases diagnosed between 2006 and 2017. The prognostic risk score was calculated according HE- and PHH3-based mitosis. The cases were classified as Group I: HE + and PHH3 + and Group II: HE + and PHH3-. They were also grouped as those diagnosed before and after 2012 and the staining results of HE and PHH3 were re-analyzed. Results: Ninety-eight cases were included in the study. Mitosis was detected with both HE and PHH3 in 63.3% of the cases (62/98 cases) (Group I) while in 36.7% of cases, it was detected with HE but not with PHH3 (Group II). In only two cases, the risk score changed with PHH3 (very low -> intermedier grade). The ratio of HE + and PHH3 + cases in 2012 and after was significantly higher than HE + and PHH3 - cases. A statistically significant relation was found between HE- and PHH3-based risk scores (p<0.05). There was a significant difference between HE-based risk score groups in terms of survival (p<0.05), while no difference was observed between the PHH3-based risk score groups (p>0.05). Conclusion: In GIST cases, PHH3 can be used to determine mitosis in more recent blocks, taking into account the technical conditions of the laboratory, but it does not seem to be superior to mitosis detected by HE. Research should continue on new survival determinants for GIST.Öğe Nightmare of a pathologist: Metastatic adenocarcinoma from breast to gastrointestinal system and gallbladder(TR- Dizin, 2022) Erhan, Selma Şengiz; Keser, Sevinç; Şensu, Sibel; Sarı, Bahar; Alemdar, AliAim: Breast tumors usually metastasize to lymph nodes, bone, lung, liver and central nervous system, and rarely to gastrointestinal system (GIS) and gallbladder. In this study, we aimed to present and discuss our breast carcinoma cases with GIS and gallbladder metastases. Material and Methods: Clinicopathological findings of nine breast tumors with metastases to gallbladder and GIS were evaluated in our study. Results: The mean age was 51.2 years. Seven cases, five of which were invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) and two invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC), had metastases to GIS. In these cases, metastatic foci were mostly observed in stomach, small intestine, sigmoid colon and rectum, respectively. The diagnosis of two cases with metastases to gallbladder was IDC. In two cases, one with gastric and other, with gallbladder metastases, lymph nodes were also involved. All cases died aside from an IDC with gallbladder metastasis and an ILC with gastric metastasis. Conclusion: Metastasis from a breast tumor should be taken into consideration particularly in cases with unknown primary. GIS and gallbladder, though rare, might be the metastatic foci of breast carcinomas.Öğe Ochronotic arthropathy: a report of two cases(2020) Şengiz Erhan, Selma; Hallaç Keser, Sevinç; Gülsever, Kubilay; Şensu, SibelOchronosis is an entity characterized by deposition of homogentisic acid and metabolites in connective tissues, such as joint cartilage, skin and sclera. Ochronosis is generally diagnosed by a clinical triad of degenerative arthritis, ochronotic pigmentation and urine color turning black upon alkalization. Since ochronotic arthropathy is one of the most important morbidity causes in ochronosis, in this study, we aimed to present two cases diagnosed. One of two cases we present had advanced degenerative alterations in both hip and knee, and the other case had advanced degenerative alterations in knee joints. Macroscopical examination of the resection materials revealed black pigmentation on joint surfaces. Histopathologically, cartilage lacunes filled with brown pigment and inflammatory infiltration, as well as brown pigmentation in soft tissue, were observed. Clinical history revealed that the patients had dark urine since childhood and they detected dark spotting at their underwear. As all findings evaluated together, these two rare cases, which are diagnosed as ochronotic arthropathy, reviewed in the light of the literature.Öğe Patolojide dijital çağ ve yapay Zekâ: temel bilgiler(Turkiye Klinikleri, 2020) Şensu, Sibel; Erdoğan, Nusret; Gürbüz, Yeşim SalihaModern bilimsel laboratuvar ortamında dijital patoloji giderek önem kazanmakta ve artan bir teknolojik gereksinim hâline gelmektedir. Şimdilik genellikle konsültasyon, eğitim ve araştırma amacıyla kullanılmakla birlikte, bazı merkezlerde rutin patoloji pratiğine girmeye de başlamıştır. İnsanlar tarafından makinelere kazandırılan, deneyimleri hatırlama, bunlardan öğrenme, düşünme, yargılama ve karar verme becerisi olarak tanımlanan yapay zekâ uygulamalarının patolojide de çeşitli kolaylıklar sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir. Bu makalede, dijital patoloji ve patolojide yapay zekâ ile ilgili temel terim ve tanımlamalar tanıtılmakta; dijital patoloji laboratuvarı kurulurken göz önüne alınacak unsurlar anlatılmakta; dijital patoloji ve patolojide yapay zekâ uygulamalarının getireceği avantajlardan ve sorunlu yönlerden söz edilmekte ve dünyadaki uygulamalara yer verilmektedirÖğe The Relationship of REG1A and Ki67 Expression with Prognostic Parameters in Breast Carcinomas(2021) Gül, Aylin Ege; Karadayı, Ayşe Nimet; Selek, Ayşegül; Şensu, Sibel; Keser, Sevinç Hallac; Geçmen, Gonca Gül; Barışık, Nagehan ÖzdemirObjective: Invasive breast carcinoma is the most common cancer in women. Literature data on REG1A expression in breast carcinoma was limited. Our study aimed to investigate the relationship between REG1A and Ki67 expressions with prognostic factors that might affect clinical behaviour and disease-free survival in invasive breast carcinomas. Methods: Patients diagnosed with invasive breast carcinoma at the Dr. Lütfi Kirdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital Pathology Clinic and followed up in the Oncology Clinic be- tween 2007–2011 were included in our study. Patient records, oncology files, all pathological slides, paraffin blocks were examined are and evaluated. The most appropriate blocks were then selected for immunohistochemical analysis. Results: Our study included 104 cases of primary invasive breast carcinoma. The age of patients ranged between 24–95, and the mean age was 53.9±14.8. All cases were female. There was a statistically significant correlation between vascular invasion, histological grade, metastasis, ER, PR, c-erbB2 and REG1A exspression in breast carcinoma. In addition, there was a statistically significant correlation between tumor size, vascular invasion, metastasis, ER, PR, c-erbB2 and Ki67 exspression in breast carcinoma. Conclusion: In conclusion, identifying new prognostic parameters, one of which is REG1A, might have a role in the prediction of prognosis and development of new treatment strategies.Öğe Succinate dehydrogenase complex iron sulfur subunit B (SDHB) immunohistochemistry in pheochromocytoma, head and neck paraganglioma, thoraco-abdomino-pelvic paragangliomas: is it a good idea to use in routine work?(Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention, 2021) Gül, Aylin Ege; Hallaç Keser, Sevinç; Özdemir Barışık, Nagehan; Gürbüz, Yeşim Saliha; Şensu, Sibel; Erdoğan, NusretBackground: In this study, we aimed to detect Succinate Dehydrogenase Complex Iron Sulfur Subunit B (SDHB) frequency in paragangliomas and pheochromocytomas (PPGL) with immunohistochemistry; compare with Pheochromacytoma of the Adrenal Gland Scaled Score (PASS) classification and analyse the differences between pheochromocytoma (Pheo), head-neck paragangliomas (HNPGL) and thoraco-abdominal-pelvic paraganglioma (TAPPGL) sub-groups. Methods: A total 114 PPGL cases (73 HNPGL, 15 TAPPGL and 27 Pheo belonging to 112 cases) are included. Immunohistochemically, SDHB and Ki-67 are investigated and malignancy risks are determined by PASS classification. Results are assessed statistically with chi-square test and p <0,01 is considered significant. Results: SDHB mutations are observed in 20 of 114 (17.54 %) PPGL cases, 3 (11,12%) of which is Pheo, 12 (16,44) is HNPGL, and 5 (35,71%) is TAPPGL (P <0,02). While 15/82 (18,29%) cases with SDHB mutations do not have a malignancy potential according to PASS classification, 5/32 (15,63%) cases has (p=0,73). TAPPGL, HNPGL and Pheo sub-groups have a significant difference between SDHB expression (p <0,02), malignancy potential according to PASS classification (p <0,0001) and Ki-67 proliferation index (p <0,0001). Conclusion: To identify patients for molecular pathological examination, routine application of SDHB immunohistochemistry to PPGL tumors are suggested especially in HNPGLs.Öğe Which pathology education method is more useful in active professional life? A survey of clinicians(DergiPark, 2022) Şensu, Sibel; Koçak, Hikmet; Gürbüz, Yeşim Saliha; Taşdelen Fışgın, Nuriye; Erdoğan, NusretAmaç: Bu çalışmada, 2000 yılı ve sonrasında mezun olmuş hekimlerin tıp fakültelerinde aldıkları patoloji eğitiminin aktif meslek yaşamlarında katkısı, aldıkları eğitiminin yeterliliği ve gerekliliği ile ilgili görüşleri ve önerileri incelenmiştir. Yöntem: 2000 ve sonrasında mezun olmuş hekimlerden onam verenler tarafından açık uçlu, çoktan çok seçmeli ve Likert skalası formatında toplam 12 soruluk bir dijital anket doldurulmuştur. Bulgular: Çalışmaya 107 hekim katılmış olup 39’u (%36.4) dahili, 38’i (%35.5) cerrahi bilimler hekimi ve 30’u (%28) pratisyen hekimdir. Kırk bir hekim (%38) patoloji dersini sadece 3. sınıfta almıştır. Didaktik eğitime sıklıkla mikroskopi eğitimi eşlik etmiştir (n=94, %87.9). Altmış altı (%62) hekim ek olarak makroskopi eğitimi almıştır. Hekimlerin %75’i patoloji eğitiminin şimdiki meslek hayatları için çok yararlı ve oldukça yararlı olduğunu ve %45’i aldıkları eğitimin çok yeterli ve oldukça yeterli olduğunu belirtmiştir. Patolojinin meslek hayatındaki yararı ile alınan eğitimin yeterliliği arasında istatistiksel anlamlı ilişki vardır (p=0.01). Hekimler, bilgilerin kullanılabilir olmasını (n=89, %83.2), eğitim yöntemlerini (n=78, %72.9) ve eğitimcinin özelliklerini (n=75, %70.1) önemli bulmuş ve olgu tartışmaları (n=79, %72.9), makroskopi (n=65, %60.7) ve mikroskopi çalışması (n=62, %57.9), probleme dayalı öğrenme (PDÖ) (n=61, %57.0) ve hastane laboratuvarında gözlem (n=51, %47.6) yapılmasını önermiştir. Değerlendirmelerin objektif yapılandırılmış pratik sınavı (OSPE) (n=85, %79.4) ve objektif yapılandırılmış klinik sınavı (OSCE) (n=76, %71.0) ile yapılması önerilmiştir. Sonuç: Patoloji eğitimi, müfredatının kullanılabilir olması, klinik ile entegre edilmesi ve çeşitlendirilmiş güncel öğrenme yöntemleri ile verilmesi halinde aktif meslek hayatında işe yarayacaktır. Patoloji eğitiminin yeterliliği arttıkça yararı da artmakta olup dahili ve cerrahi bilimler alanlarında çalışan hekimler pratisyen hekimlere göre daha fazla yarar görmektedir. Patoloji eğitiminin hangi yıllarda verileceği, süresi, içeriği ve yöntemi konusunda da güncel standartlar belirlenmesi uygun olacaktır.